It seems that I can upload using IE as my web browser but not firefox for some reason! So, finally, something useful (I hope).
This first doc is a pdf of the Francophoniques - this is version 2. I felt that the first version of these French phonics wasn't the best for two reasons. Firstly, some of the words and pictures didn't have any obvious and all important gestures and secondly, there were just too many of them and combining two sounds within each box was a bit confusing for learners. So, now there are still 3 x sets but they are smaller sets and all the words have a gesture. If you struggle to find a gesture for 'violet', some of my colleague's Y9 class mime putting on purple eyeshadow! The other possibility for this one is changing the word to 'et' and having the mime as a plus sign, crossing two first fingers.
Download Francophoniques_ALL_Rha
This is the PowerPoint version of the same phonics.
Download Francophoniques_ALL_Rha
And here are the Spanish and German ones. (Thank you as always to Leigh McClelland for the genius German ones)
Download German_pronunciation
Download Lesson1.1
Feedback on these is welcome as always!